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In 2024, YouR Donations Made this POssible -
Empowering through Education
Nurturing Nations solves many problems with just one, simple solution: education. Children living on the streets are given a safe place to go. Children facing starvation are provided with school lunch. Children with families in the grip of poverty become less of an economic burden, reducing the likelihood that they will be sold into slavery. We believe in transforming lives through the power of education, addressing a multitude of challenges with a singular, impactful solution.
Our mission extends beyond mere academic instruction; it encompasses the holistic well-being of some of the most vulnerable children in the world. From rescuing those with disabilities from the horrors of ritual killings to providing sanctuary for those facing the perils of the streets, stopping hundreds of children from being trafficked through our sponsorship program and offering a haven where every child, regardless of ability or economic status, is valued and nurtured. Through education, we not only impart knowledge but also instill hope, resilience, and the belief in a brighter future forged through their own determination and hard work. Nurturing Nations is more than just a school; it's a sanctuary where dreams are cultivated, and lives are transformed because of the compassion and support of people like you who recognize the inherent worth of every child.
Make a difference in a child's life today. Your donation will protect and provide for children in desperate circumstances who have nowhere else to turn. We are an organization of volunteers, so every penny of your donation goes directly towards aiding and supporting those in need, bypassing any administrative or overhead costs.
Join our life-saving team! There are many ways to get involved and support Nurturing Nations. We need your passion, your talents, and your time to help us keep doing what we do. Even a few minutes of your time can make a big impact for our cause.
Our mission is to empower children through education, dispel prejudices against children with disabilities, and protect and provide for those in need. No small task, but with your help, Nurturing Nations is truly making a difference in the lives of many.
Our Story
We Must STOP Ritual Killings of Children with Disabilities
In this video, Queen Naa Okailey Osamanye shares Kai's story and explains the practice of ritual killings of children with disabilities in Ghana. We join with Ghanaian Royalty to change cultural prejudices towards children with disabilities.
How Does Nurturing Nations Fight Against Child Trafficking?
Child trafficking is a complex problem. In this video Mark Belk describes how Nurturing Nations addresses the problem at its roots.
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